We are pleased to present a new Solo Travel Destination Post from Trent, a member of the Solo Travel Society on Facebook. Trent lives in the United States, and submitted the following report about Transylvania. Do you have a solo travel destination that you would like to recommend? Submit your description here, along with a few photos, and share it with fellow travelers!
Solo travel rating: 1 (1 is easiest, 3 is most difficult. Please see chart below)
Languages spoken: Romanian, English
The Peles Castle, located in Sinaia, is a Neo-Renaissance style summer residence built by King Carol I. It was completed in 1914 and is one of Transylvania's most beautiful castles.
Reasons to go: Transylvania is a place that stirs up images of castles and Dracula. Lucky for us, travelers can find both of these along with so much more. Transylvania is a region in central Romania with the Carpathian Mountains and quaint medieval cities. The most famous cities are Brasov, Sighisoara, Sibiu, and Sinaia, all of which are equally impressive for their own unique old towns, all feeling like different scenes from fairy tales.
Transylvania is easily reached from Bucharest by train, bus, or car, with Sinaia being the closest and located just an hour north of the capital city. The popular cities are no more than a few hours from each other, making it easy to visit several. Taking trains was my favorite form of travel; the slower speed and smooth scenic ride was a great way to enjoy the scenery.
The old towns are full of magnificent central squares, medieval architecture, interesting markets, are protected by walls, and are surrounded by mountains. The Carpathian Mountains are green and lush in summer yet white and perfect for skiing in the winter. Any hiker is in heaven with the system of cabins throughout the mountains, providing a cheap place to stay on an overnight hike or even an entire continuous week of hiking.
There are also several beautiful castles in the region, including the Bran Castle and Peles Castle, each with their own unique style and history. Many people don’t know that Vlad Dracula was actually a real person. The fictional character that we know as Dracula was named after him because of his dark and inhumane practices towards his enemies. Visiting Transylvania is a great way to learn more about this infamous character.
Compared to Western Europe and North America, Romania is a cheap country. A filling meal will cost around $5 USD, a pint of beer around $1.50 USD, and a hostel dorm around $10-12 USD. A 4-star hotel starts from $65 USD.
Transylvania is one of the most underrated places to travel in Europe. With fairy tale cities, great mountains for hiking and skiing, rich history, and good prices, it’s a perfect place to visit for a week or two!
Transylvania is a lively place with many festivals and markets. This pottery market took place over the weekend in Sibiu's main square.
The small town of Magura, located in the Carpathian Mountains, is traditionally a sheep-raising community. It's also a great base for hiking or just to escape the city life.
Solo Travel Destination Rating System
Safety – 1 (1 very safe, 2 safe in most areas, 3 be cautious at all times.)
Language – 2 (1 English is first language, 2 English speakers easy to find, 3 English speakers rare)
Navigation – 1 (1 easy to navigate by transit or car, 2 poor transit, car necessary, 3 not easy to get around)
Culture – 1 (1 Similar to North America or Western Europe, 2 Different from above but relaxed and easy, 3 Challenging)
Average Rating – 1 (1 is easiest, 3 is most difficult)